Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Accidental Minister

Sometimes, you're just in the right place at the right time, or, depending on how you look at it, you're in the wrong place at just the right time.  Ever notice how God just has a way of arranging the events and people in your life in such a way that suddenly you find yourself thrust into a position to minister?  A couple of days ago a friend asked the question... "Are you willing to let Jesus interrupt your day in order to be used by Him for His glory?"  Good question.  Haunting question.  Is our faith important enough, vibrant enough, and life-altering enough that we would actually let Christ interrupt the routine of our lives?  I hope so.  Sometimes it happens that way.  In the course of an ordinary, mundane afternoon, you find yourself in a situation where you have the opportunity to get involved in the life of someone who needs you at that moment.  Ministry is never convenient.  It's messy, time consuming, and schedule altering.  But it is what we are called to do.  I hope that all of you are willing to deal with the interruption of ministry.  You may have one of those God-ordained moments even today.  I hope that when the interruption comes and a need is placed in your path, that you will actually see in the interruption an opportunity to help.  I hope you will see in the face of the one needing help, the face of Christ.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In the Image of God

       “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Gen. 1:27

There is a lot going on in this single verse from the first chapter of Genesis.  Read the chapter carefully and you will see the image of Creator God as He brings order to what was once a "formless void."  At the height of His creative work, He brings humankind into being... made in His own likeness.  The power of God is demonstrated throughout the chapter as He simply "speaks" all things into existence.  Also, notice that God chooses to make humankind in His image.  Something about who we are, how we think, and perhaps even how we look, somehow reflects the image of our Father.  Also notice the instantaneous creation of both male and female.  From the beginning, the image of God is placed in both sexes.  There is no second class citizenship given, but rather an equality of creation.

Let's focus on what it means to be made in the image of God.  First, there is a sense in which we possess certain qualities that our Father possesses.  We can think, reason, exercise limited dominion, experience relationship, communicate, love, and re-create.  God has given us the ability to be like Him in many ways, though certainly never His equal.  He is Creator, we are still the creations.  But here's a second thought.  In the ancient Hebrew texts, the verse could be translated as... "God created man as His image" rather than using the word, "in His image." Of all things created, humankind alone is called upon to bear the image of God before the nations.  Think about it.  God has created us to represent Him before all creation.  What the world must know of God, it should begin to learn from each of us.  What a challenge... Are we like our Father?  Do we love unselfishly, share abundantly, forgive extravagantly, treat others patiently?  It's something to think about.

        So what do you think it means for you to have been made in the image of God?  What does it take, day to day, to represent Him before the nations?  If you fail to represent The Father, then what image do you share with others?  Give me some feedback... Tell me what disciplines are needed in your life to bear His image.  Has anyone seen in you, the love of Christ and the compassion of The Father?  Who has borne the image of God to you recently, and how did you recognize His appearing in others?  Let's start a conversation.
