Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Accepting our Acceptance...

"But the people of Israel, who tried so hard to get right with God by keeping the law, never succeeded. Why not? Because they were trying to get right with God by keeping the law instead of by trusting in him. They stumbled over the great rock in their path." (Romans 9:31, 32 NLT)

Boil down Paul's discussion in Romans 9 and you will discover that he offers a simple truth about God's acceptance and rejection of Israel.  Most Jews had bought into a mentality that declared a keeping of the Law would justify them in the eyes of God.  It was a salvation-by-works kind of mentality.  "Do the right things and God will have to accept us."  But Paul offers a different word.  It is not about a rigid keeping of the Law that makes one right in the eyes of God, but simple faith instead.  When we are joined to God through simple faith, not by birthright or works, it is then that we find ourselves in the right relationship with Him.

To be honest, it's still pretty hard for most of us to escape a salvation-by-works theology.  We tend to think that the more "good things" that we do, the more that God will like us.  We act as though we will "earn" our salvation by the things that we can do.  If we go to church, give to the poor, use the right language, and treat people fairly, how can God resist loving us?  Don't get me wrong... all those things are good practices, but they should be the result of our faith and not the catalyst for it.  We simply don't "do" enough good things until the day comes that God is pleased with us.  Instead, we discover that God already loves us and in response to that love, we do good things.  That's a different way of thinking about God.  Paul's message still needs to be heard by a modern audience.  Getting right with God is still all about having a trusting relationship with Him.  He loves us, promises to save us, and offers the gift of His Son.  It is as we begin to trust in those promises that our salvation comes to life.  Remember that we are already loved by God.  We are already the objects of His grace.  Those who try to "earn" their salvation labor in vain.  The gift is already offered.  All we do is accept it and let His grace begin to transform us.  As you start your day, instead of trying to do enough good things to be loved by God, why not accept the fact that you already are and then concentrate on ways to draw closer to Him?

1 comment:

  1. When I'm able to accept others (with all their faults and foibles), that is when I understand my own acceptance. That doesn't happen as often as I would like for it to happen. I'm not nearly as good as God at "unconditional."
